Monday, February 18, 2013

A Christmas Treat!

We are fast-forwarding from Thanksgiving (and going back in time???) to one of my favorite moments this past year, Printemps and the Galeries Lafayette at Christmas. A friend tipped me off on their fabulous window displays, so on a sunny (a delight in rainy Paris winter times) afternoon I headed over to check them out. One word: magnifique

Thursday, February 7, 2013

That one time I made a Turkey.

Let me set the scene: Thanksgiving in Paris. Thursdays during school were loooooong, with a 6 hour structures class and prep for studio reviews that happened every Friday morning at 9 AM. Yikes! So anyways, our actual Thanksgiving was a bit... anticlimactic.  My Thanksgiving dinner was a turkey sub from Subway (JUDGE ME IT'S FINE. But it's the best cheap late night option, and I was celebrating 'Merica).

Due to our schedule, we decided to postpone our Thanksgiving until the following Saturday. We are such responsible students. 

3 things before we get going:
1. We = everyone in my program. Shout out to my people - love you guys!
2. You are about to see too many pictures of me for one post. I apologize in advance.
3. I realize this is several months late. December got crazy (hence the hiatus), then January got crazy (hence the extended hiatus). This post is one I promised for my family, and I need to keep my promises!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm Back!

Okay. That was RIDICULOUS. Sorry about the extended hiatus. I think it's safe to say I am a horrible blogger-slash-student. We are now moving on to the next phase in our program - internships!! - this week. I am very excited. :)