**** UPDATE **** I'm going to extend this hiatus until the beginning of February - a constant stream of final projects has kept me a little more than just slightly busy :) I will shout from the rooftops once I get back to blogging. Sorry! All is well, we just have a few more things left on our plates... but the light at the end of the tunnel is visible! Small, but visible. :) If you're reading this, I hope you're doing well!
Okay, it's time I'm honest with you. Obviously my absence from the "blogosphere" (embarrassing that I actually used that word...) has been a little excessive, so I have decided to put this guy on official hiatus until Christmas break. However my Christmas gift to you will be a barrage of posts, as I literally have half a dozen started with more on the way. Unfortunately it takes work to be this witty, and my sassiness significantly plummets when I'm in the midst of madness.